4-Week Creator Sovereignty Video Bootcamp


6 min read

An intensive coaching program with Jordan Urbs.

Overcome the the resistance, transcend the obstacles and level up to become the sovereign creator you know can be.

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but for whatever reason… you’re not sharing it.
“It’s so hard to get started. I’m overwhelmed.”
“I’m not comfortable on camera… I suck at video.”
“I’m never in the mood. It doesn’t feel right.”
Or maybe you’re past all that, and now you’re simply intimidated by the technology.
You think your work must be perfect before you can share it.

Or maybe you’re just scared?

Scared your video content won’t be well-received.
Scared of being seen. Scared of what others might say.
You’re worried you won’t be able to stay consistent.

Excuse after excuse. I’ve heard them all, folks!

Heck, I feel like I invented most of them. I spent years hiding from my own face and the ultimate brand I could build for myself.
But insecurities and self-defeating mindsets are eventually vanquished by persistently showing up to do the work.
And anyone can do the work, you just have to make the decision.
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Authentic video is remarkably multi-purposeful.

It helps you:
  1. Unleash your online presence and stand out from the crowd.
  1. Master the power of vulnerability and go deeper into your message.
  1. Share your values with your audience.
  1. Demonstrate your natural expertise.
  1. Grow your network and attract clients.
  1. Develop a greater sense of purpose.
Not to mention: it helped me travel the world for 10 years doing what I love. Video is a people-connecter, a tool for community. The possibilities are endless.
So maybe you haven’t succeeded with a video creation routine yet—but that’s just because you haven’t developed a system that works for you.
And that’s why I’ve put together this month-long training, for you to get your hands dirty doing the nitty gritty, building your foundation, and creating a routine so you can come out the other side conquering video.
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Go beyond your limits in the

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Let’s face it—putting our face out into the world is a big deal.
But we must do it if we want to maximize our impact.

You already know deep down you can do it… you just need a reason to finally prove it to yourself.

The Creator Sovereignty Bootcamp is your reason: more than 4 weeks of accountability, activities, and exercises to develop a content creation routine, cultivate a sense of ease & confidence, and kickstart the momentum to keep building on your own.
It is a program designed to get your butt in gear.
Becoming a creator means overcoming insecurities.
It means developing new mindsets.
It means teaching yourself new habits.
On the journey to creator sovereignty, you're not only developing yourself as a person but you're providing value to others, building a business and fulfilling your purpose along the way.
It’s a beautiful thing.

In the Creator Sovereignty Bootcamp, you’ll learn to navigate the trickiest aspects of video creation:

  • how to get comfortable on camera
  • how to capture & organize all your ideas
  • how to transform ideas into video projects
  • how to create a routine that optimizes your video content output
  • how to edit
  • how to add subtitles and package your videos for optimal reception
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What You’ll Get

The Authentic AF Creator Solution ($150 Value)

Breaking through those psychological blocks is the first step: we’ll start making content that feels like YOU. This first phase is about developing confidence and comfort in your authenticity.
  • Creator Self-Care: Cultivate the Right Mindset for Success
    • Overcome Inner Resistance: Exercises to say goodbye to that voice of self-doubt.
    • Sustain Your Enthusiasm: Learn my secrets to keeping your momentum going, even when the going gets tough.
    • Build Your Brand with Authenticity & Vulnerability: It’s time to get real with your audience. I’ll show you how authenticity and vulnerability can fast-track your brand’s growth.
    • Banish Impostor Syndrome With Authentic Video: You’ve got something valuable to share—don’t let self-doubt hold you back any longer.
    • Establish a Routine for Success: Consistency is key. Let’s build habits that set you up for success.
  • Structuring Stories: Start Thinking Like a Creator!
    • Let’s start looking at life like storytellers… What value can be gleaned from this moment.
  • Self-Liberation Through Authentic Video Content
    • Video is your tool for self-expression. Explore connecting with your audience on a deeper level by creating content that’s true to who you are.
  • Intro to Video Editing
    • Get past the initial hurdles.
  • 30 Prompts to Kickstart Your Authentic Content Journey
    • We’ll shatter beginner’s creative block with prompts designed to get you creating right away. No more excuses, yo!

Sovereign Video Creator Program ($500 value)

Step up and claim your place as a creator as you kickstart your video content journey. This program jumps into mastering the technical side of creating video content.
  • Master Content Capture on Any Device
  • Livestream Like a Pro—Without the Extra Costs
  • Start Editing Like a Seasoned Creator… the Easy Way
  • Dive into Professional-Level Editing Software
  • Craft Compelling Stories with Hooks and Narrative Techniques
  • Optimize Your Lighting and Setup on a Budget
  • Titles & Captions: Amplify Your Message

The Golden Plan Content Visualization Notion Workspace ($100 value)

This is what I use to stay on top of my content. You’ll need this to stay organized with everything you’re going to create in this bootcamp. Get your ideas out of your head and into action with a system that turns your creative vision into reality.
  • From Intention to Execution: We’re taking those big ideas and breaking them down into actionable steps that lead to fullly-packaged, quality content.
  • Effortless Idea Management: You’ve got ideas—lots of them. And there are always more. I’ll show you how to capture and organize them on the go so that you’re always ready to create when inspiration strikes.
  • Streamline Your Workflow: No more juggling different tasks. This system keeps you on track with every stage of the process—from writing and revision to recording, packaging, and scheduling. Nothing need slip through the cracks.

Short-Form Editing Training ($200 value)

Short-form video is where it’s at, but it’s tricky and constantly changing. I’m giving you the exact training I give to my new editors to learn to structure and form short-form video content.
  • Contemporary Training for Engaging Short-Form Content
    • Learn the techniques that make short-form videos pop and stand out in a crowded digital space. It’s all about keeping your audience hooked from the first frame to the last, without going too far.
  • Contemporary Editing Skills
    • Get equipped with the skills you need to produce fresh, compelling content that’s perfectly in sync with today’s trends.
This training is a fast track to understanding the essentials of short-form video editing.

6x Group Calls ($1000 value)

These are segmented as Sundays and Wednesdays to fit different timezones. I recommend trying to make at least 4 of the calls. We will discuss the material you are working on day-to-day and share our work with one another.

1x 75-min. 1:1 Content & Strategy Development call with Jordan ($400 value)

After we’re 3 weeks in, you’ll have a chance to share with me your biggest hurdles so we can find the solution that works for you.
This is a personal coaching & strategy development session, where we’ll fine-tune your system so you can be creating consistent video content like a champ.



Next session starts on September 1!

Space is limited.

Let’s do it! Click here to register and claim your spot.


Money-Back Guarantee

I only want serious creators, or people serious about creating, joining this program.
If you think you’re one, but you’re hesitant about the effectiveness of this bootcamp, then this guarantee is for you:
Do every exercise provided throughout the bootcamp,
show up to at least 3 of the 6 group calls, follow the full program as it’s laid out in the bootcamp,
and finish our 60-minute 1:1 session together,
and if you’re still not satisfied with your progress…. I’ll give you a full refund.
Why am I so confident?
This is an intensive course. From my POV, you must be committed to at least 1 hour per day to accomplish the goals set out in this program, plus attendance to at least 4 of the 6 meetings will help set you straight.
(Not to mention, you and I will have a 1:1 where we’ll really dive into what might be really holding you back.)
The key to mastering authentic video is doing the reps—and I know that can be tough. That’s why the Creator Sovereignty Bootcamp has been designed to guide you through the tough work required to really gain the confidence to go to where you want to go.
So by showing up to the bootcamp, you’ll be doing the reps, and naturally you’re going to find success. The coaching programs thrown into the mix are the icing on the cake: this is how you’ll learn the skills and build the routine required for an effective video presence.

So if you’re ready to:

  • Break through your camera-awkwardness and travel the path of the authentic video creator
  • Cultivate a lifestyle of consistent video creation
  • Stay accountable and motivated to keep growing
  • Elevate your personal brand and take it to the next level
  • Inspire your audience with an authentic presence
… then let’s get started.
The Bootcamp won’t be a walk in the park (in fact, it’s a bootcamp!),
but it will be worth it.
You will develop the mindsets required to own your video and embody your brand.

OK, I’m in! Take me to the registration form.

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The Schedule

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This program is the culmination of a year’s worth of coaching and personal work:

Phase 1 - Introduction to Authentic Video & Intention-Setting

Sep 1-10
This first 10 days will be the time to start moving the gears and observing where you have the most troubles or resistance.
You will receive e-mails every day with lessons to learn the craft of authentic video, and activities to start building your skill. You will also be introduced to the Golden Plan Content Visualization Notion workspace to start cataloging your ideas systematically.
We will have a group chat for basic questions and sharing our work; but this first phase is mainly about YOU taking the time to go inward and discover for yourself what your biggest challenges are.

Phase 2 - Building the Skill

Sep 11-17
Now that you’ve learned the basics, this is when you start to explore the craft. We will go deeper into routine-creation and start to look at life from the lens of a content creator.
Through the Authentic Content Creator Solution and the Sovereign Video Creator Program, you will explore the use of video content as a means for personal fulfillment while learning the skills of the trade, from audio set-up to editing to thumbnails.

Phase 3 - Leveling Up

Sep 18-24
We’ll dive into more advanced video editing as well as the tools required to make a podcast and re-purpose it for a larger presence.
You’ll continue working on your own projects during this time (you’ll receive prompts to keep you activated).

Phase 4 - Your Personal Project

Sep 25 - Oct 2
This is your opportunity to start creating the video project you’ve always dreamed of. Choose the format, length, and style of video you’ve always wanted to produce, and START.
This will also be the week you’ll work 1-on-1 with me, so by now you’ll know exactly what you need the most help with so we can optimize our hour together.
On our closing day, we will all share our personal projects along with our reflections.

So how’s that sound? What are you waiting for? Let’s make some content!